tidak berpura-pura - bahasa Inggris
- tidak: de; did not; didn't; do not; does not; doesn't;
- berpura-pura: feign; feigned; feigning; ladida; made as though;
- -: -; "
- berpura-pura tidak tahu: play possum
- berpura-pura tidak tertarik: play hard to get; played hard to get; playing hard to get
- berpura-pura: feign; feigned; feigning; ladida; made as though; make as though; making as though; paid fulsome complements; pay fulsome complements; paying fulsome complements; pretend; pretense; put on a show; p
- berpura pura suci: sanctimonious; self-righteously; pharisaical; pecksniffian; self-righteous; pharisaic; holier-than-thou
- berpura-pura menjadi teman: the mask of friendship; under a
- berpura-pura senang seni: arty; high-flown; artsy
- berpura-pura tidur: playing possum
- dengan berpura-pura: on the pretence of; pretentiously
- hal berpura-pura: make belief
- orang suka berpura-pura: pretender; quack; gypster; hoaxer; trickster
- perbuatan berpura-pura: show
- orang yg suka berpura-pura: hypocrite